Why Stacking Toys are Good for Children?

Why Stacking Toys are Good for Children?

Why Stacking Toys are Good for Children?

Stacking Toys are a key developmental toy for children aged 1 to 6 years old. Stacking is not only a lot of fun for kids but it’s also good for kid’s creative learning, early numeracy skills and problem solving.

Through Stacking toys, kids learn how to balance things to keep a tower upright. It helps kids to practice hand-eye coordination. Also stacking toys introduce kids to early numeracy skills like getting to know the height or size, the order and also to compare the pieces and so on. For example: Should I put the bigger circle or smaller circle next?

Encourage your kids to stack as much as they can. For example: Can you fit another one on? Or that was a tricky one, well done!!!

Describe the position and size. For example: You’ve put the big block on top of the small block.

We have an exclusive range of Stacking toys for kids 1 to 6 years old. Shop our range now at Sorting and Stacking – Classic Gifts Australia